Ear Aesthetics

Prominent ears, also known as protruding ears, occur when the angle between the ear and the head is greater than normal. Ear aesthetics, or otoplasty, can be performed at any time after the age of 6.

What is Ear Aesthetics?

Ear aesthetics is a procedure that corrects protruding ears by bringing them into a more normal position. This aesthetic operation addresses the issue of prominent ears, which is usually caused by genetic factors. While the function of the ear is normal, it can cause aesthetic concerns.

Who Can Undergo This Operation?

Prominent ears can cause feelings of insecurity, especially in young children. This issue can arise not only from the ears being large but also from them being asymmetrical or misshapen.

Ear aesthetics is an operation that yields successful results. Although better outcomes are often achieved during childhood, patients usually opt for this surgery at an older age. Anyone experiencing prominent ear issues and who does not have any health problems can consider this aesthetic operation.